Welcome To Biznisfinder

Biznisfinder is owned by Elimu Investment which is a 100% female black owned company. Our mission is to establish ourselves as a leading online business directory for small business.

Amplify Your Online Presence
Amplify Your Online Presence
If you search for your business name on the internet, you will likely see your business show up in directories for which you never submitted a listing. This is because many business directories today pull from other larger directories and automatically create listings.
Improve Your Local Visibility
Improve Your Local Visibility
Though they are massive, online business directories have advanced filtering and suggesting capabilities, and serve to connect you with your target audience. As a local business, directories are beneficial because they make your business visible to your local community.
Strengthen Your Business Reputation
Strengthen Your Business Reputation
When a user performs a search in an online business directory, it will display a list of relevant results, each with a brief snapshot so that you can decide which one to click on to learn more. This means that even if a user doesn’t click on your listing, they still see your business. Every encounter a person has with your business increases their awareness and familiarity with your brand

How Does It Work?

Simply click on the register button and await approval from one of our members. 
Add your listing
Once approved you will be notified via email allowing you to post and manage your own listings.
Your dashboard
Your dashboard will allow you to set images, text and  how clients contact your business among many other things. 


Our parent company, Inflection, builds trust online with advanced solutions that help people and
businesses interact with confidence on the Internet and in person.